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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Best 60 inch and over Flat Screen Television

Recently I have begun shopping for some new home theater components and have been doing a lot of research into the individual items. Over the next week or so, I will post the results of my findings. Today, we start with TVs. As you know, technology moves very quickly in consumer electronics. Something that is "The Best" today, may be moot in a year. So please use these findings as a guide for shopping right now and maybe 6-12 months later. Always look at the manufacturers websites for the latest and greatest models.

The benchmark technology right now for over 60 inch flat screen televisions: 1080p (1920 x 1080p), plasma (LCD and LED are best for under 50 inches), at least 4 HDMI inputs, at least 240 mhz, and Internet connectivity with available widgets. Remember to get the best out of these televisions they should be connected to a HD cable or satellite box, a high-quality Bluray player, and a high quality surround sound system (more on these later). For full descriptions of the picks, click their titles to be taken to the manufacturer's websites. Here are my picks:

Panasonic 65" Class Viera V10 Series Plasma (TC-P65V10)

This television has all of the above features and is relatively inexpensive compared to my other choice. If you want a 65 inch television and don't want to spend an arm and a leg this should be your choice. Online it can be had for less than $3000. Brick and mortar stores sell it for less than $4000. One great feature of this television is its THX certification. The people at THX calibrated the television for picture and sound so out of the box quality is excellent. This has been confirmed by numerous reviewers. This is a great money-saving item as many of us have out televisions professionally calibrated (app. $400) to get the full benefits of the high-quality picture. This television has excellent ratings for use with cable/satellite, video games, and Bluray. This is my personal choice for my home theater television.

Pioneer 60" Elite Kuro (PRO-151FD)

If you have the means, then this should be your television. At msrp of $6500, this television has it all and "The Best" picture quality in the business. This plasma has pretty-much perfect reviews and its blacks cannot be matched by any other television out there. The downside is obviously the price and it is also pretty hard to find.

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