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So many times in life I want to make a purchase (big or small) and I say to myself...."I wish someone would just tell me which one is the best so I can buy that one." For me, it has happened the most with gadget-type purchases, but has even happened with purchases like toasters or clothes. I want to use this blog to help you on your purchasing journey. I figured that I have done some research already and am willing to do more, so why not lend you a helping hand. I also have LOTS of opinions, stories, interesting news articles, etc. that I would love to share with my readers. I hope you enjoy them. PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, OR REVIEWS/RECOMMENDATIONS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Best Science Fiction Movies You Haven't Seen

One reader asks me to recommend The Best Sci Fi movies she has not seen yet. I hope there are a few gems here you have not seen. I have not seen all of these yet either, but I can guarantee you they are on my Netflix. Here is my list in reverse preference order:

  • Akira
  • Soylent Green
  • Sunshine
  • Strange Days
  • Enemy Mine
  • Equilibrium
  • Gattaca
  • Starman (The Best)

1 comment:

  1. That's a good list. Gattaca is in my top 10 sci fi definitely. And I love Soylent Green. I don't remember Starman so I'll watch again. And I haven't seen Akira, Strange Days or Enemy Mine in years! Sunshine and Equilibrium are new to me. Thanks for the suggestions.
