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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Killer Whales and Dolphins

Has anyone seen the movie "The Cove?" It is a heart wrenching film with an unbearable final scene. It is a "must-see" though. It has been nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Documentary category.

I was not surprised when I heard about the trainer being killed by the Killer Whale in Sea World. "The Cove" sheds a lot of light on the subject and I am actually surprised that captive dolphins and whales don't kill more. It is very curious to know that the world's leading dolphin activist was once the capturer and trainer of the original Flipper dolphins. He experienced a life-changing awakening while training Flipper and concluded that dolphins in captivity are stressed, unhappy, and even kill themselves. He believes that someday we might discover that dolphins and whales are as smart as humans and what we have been doing for all of these years is similar to internment camps.

Before blasting me with negative comments, please watch "The Cove" first. If this film does not change your mind, then blast away.

For those of you who would like to do your part in helping the struggle of ocean mammals and fish, please try to eat only farm-raised fish like tilapia or farm-raised salmon. Just this act alone can help a great deal.

For those of you who have already seen "The Cove" and want to see some similar-type documentaries that raise awareness of ongoing problems in the world, I recommend "Food, Inc." about the food and farming industry and also nominated for an Academy Award this year and "Under Our Skin" about the Lyme Disease cover-up going on in the world right now.

"The Cove" and "Food, Inc." are available on Netflix. "Under Our Skin" must be purchased, but it is well-worth the money. Please let me know what your thoughts are.

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