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So many times in life I want to make a purchase (big or small) and I say to myself...."I wish someone would just tell me which one is the best so I can buy that one." For me, it has happened the most with gadget-type purchases, but has even happened with purchases like toasters or clothes. I want to use this blog to help you on your purchasing journey. I figured that I have done some research already and am willing to do more, so why not lend you a helping hand. I also have LOTS of opinions, stories, interesting news articles, etc. that I would love to share with my readers. I hope you enjoy them. PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, OR REVIEWS/RECOMMENDATIONS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Who do they think they're kidding! We know rebates are a scam and the companies are gambling that most consumers will forget about the rebate they sent in and not follow-up. Did you ever get a follow-up letter from the rebate processor stating you forgot to include one or more of the laundry list of items needed for your rebate when you know you included it?

Here are my tips:

  1. Carefully complete the rebate application. Use a checklist to make sure you fill out everything and include all pertinent items.
  2. Make a copy of everything you send out and SAVE it.
  3. Mark a date in your calendar 6-8 weeks down the line to follow-up with the company if you haven't heard anything.

It is terrible that we have to protect ourselves like this, but it is a war out there. Scammers come in all shapes and sizes and don't assume because a company is "reputable" and a recognizable name, that they are not trying to make an easy buck off of you.

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