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So many times in life I want to make a purchase (big or small) and I say to myself...."I wish someone would just tell me which one is the best so I can buy that one." For me, it has happened the most with gadget-type purchases, but has even happened with purchases like toasters or clothes. I want to use this blog to help you on your purchasing journey. I figured that I have done some research already and am willing to do more, so why not lend you a helping hand. I also have LOTS of opinions, stories, interesting news articles, etc. that I would love to share with my readers. I hope you enjoy them. PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, OR REVIEWS/RECOMMENDATIONS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Disc Golf for Beginners

If you have never tried Disc golf, I highly recommend it! This is a sport that is relaxing, challenging, and can be played with the whole family. Basically, disc golf is like real golf except with Frisbees for golf balls and baskets for holes. The discs are smaller than Frisbees you might be used to, so it is important to at least pick up a couple before you start.

The first step is locating a disc golf course. There are some great search engines and course review websites out there. A search engine that I like to use is the PDGA course directory. A good course review website is the DG Course Review.

I recommend the following items to get started. These are the items that I consider The Best and ones that will give you the best chance to get started correctly and improve consistently. The two websites that I have had the best experiences buying supplies are Sun King Disc Sports and Clearwater Disc Golf Store.

Firstly, get a nice small disc bag and a disc golf towel. The bag is necessary so you don't have to carry your discs in your hands. You can also buy more discs later, carry your keys, wallet, etc., and a bottle of water. The towel is very important as you can dry sweaty hands with it as well as clean dirty discs which is very common especially in the spring and fall months.

Secondly, you need some discs. I am going to recommend you start with 3 discs. A putter (for shorter shots), a mid-range (for medium shots), and a fairway driver (for longer shots). It is very possible to play with only one disc to start (probably a mid-range), but what is the fun in that? You probably wouldn't be reading this blog if you didn't enjoy starting new hobbies and outfitting yourself with the best equipment. The two disc manufacturing companies that I prefer are Innova and Discraft. You can use either or a combination of these companies and you will be fine. Sometimes you can find a "starter set" with some of the below discs included, but I like to make my own.


  • Putter - Putt'r
  • Mid - Comet
  • Driver - Glide


  • Putter - Aviar
  • Mid - Shark
  • Driver - Leopard

When you are shopping you will notice that many of the above choices come in different types, e.g. DX, Pro, etc. This generally refers to the type of plastic used to manufacture the discs. For now, as a beginner, you don't have to worry about this. Later on, as you progress, the types of plastic, whether a disc is overstable or understable (which way the disc tends to soar), and many other things will become important.

For now, just get yourself some discs and get out there in the sunshine and enjoy yourself.

**As a side note, when doing any outdoor activities, please remember to use sunscreen and bug spray. Lyme Disease is a very serious and common disease and we need to protect ourselves. Everyone knows the dangers of skin cancer.

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